AWS Impact Poland 2024 will come to Łódź

On 16 April, AWS Impact Poland, a free event dedicated to entrepreneurs, managers and technology enthusiasts focusing on harnessing the potential of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud in Polish business, will be launched in Łódź.

AWS, the world's largest public cloud provider, along with one of its key partners in Poland, Hostersi (AWS Premier Tier Services Partner), will meet with business representatives in Lodz to discuss how they can grow their organisations by harnessing the potential of cloud computing.

The agenda includes talks and panels on topics such as cloud migration strategies, effective cost management in the cloud, market trends and innovations in artificial intelligence (AI).

In addition, at the end of each meeting, participants will be able to attend a 1:1 session with representatives from AWS and Hostersi for business/technical consultation.

AWS Impact Poland will take place at The Loom Hotel at 21 Ogrodowa Street in Lodz, Poland. Admission is free upon prior registration at