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The cluster's activities serve to integrate the community of industry players, build public awareness of the opportunities for education, work and future development in the broadly defined IT industry in the region.

Sector integration

Integration of the Lodz ICT industry - a forum for exchanging views and experiences on various aspects of business activity

Access to employees

Easier access to potential employees - students and graduates of the largest universities in the Łódź region

visibility of the sector

Joint representation for the creation of better conditions for the development of the Łódź ICT industry in front of state and local government authorities

access to universities

Priority access to initiatives at the Lodz University of Technology, University of Lodz

cluster projects

Exclusive access to projects carried out by the cluster - e.g. Lodz IT Days, Join IT in Lodz, Expert Workshops

members visibility

Visibility of cluster members - commitment to the region and industry

Cluster Council and Task Forces

prof. Paweł Strumiłło

Chairman of the Board of the Lodz ICT Cluster
Lodz Univeristy of Technology Vice-Rector for Development

Grzegorz Trzciński

Chairman of the Cluster Steering Committee
Eviden GDC Poland


Anna Pawłowska

Chairman of The Projects
and Promotion Task Force

Marek Walczak

Chairman of the Task Force
for Education
Harman Connected Services

Andrzej Tabara

Chairman of the
Business Cooperation Task Force


Our Activities


Lodz IT Days

Lodz IT Days is the largest ICT event in the Lodz region, organised since 2017 on the campuses of the Technical University of Lodz and the University of Lodz. Each year #ŁDI is a series of free lectures, workshops and a job fair dedicated solely to the IT industry. Inspiring speakers, always up-to-date knowledge provided by practitioners from the biggest companies in the industry and practical workshops covering all currently trending technologies are the hallmark of #ŁDI.

marketing campaign

Join IT in Łódź

We show Łódź as a high-tech city with good universities and IT companies that are open to employees coming from different countries, support rebranding and offer career paths for people with very different educational backgrounds. We also show the stories of people working in IT in Łódź who came to Łódź from different parts of Poland and the world, acclimatised to our city and tied their professional and private lives to it.


Lodz Programmer of the Year

Lodz Programmer of the Year is a competition whose aim is to identify and reward outstanding programmers from Łódź. The competition is aimed at male and female students of Łódź universities and employees of Łódź-based IT companies. Prizes will be awarded in the Student category and in the Open category - open to all professionals from IT companies in Łódź.


Expert Workshop

Warsztaty eksperckie klastra to inicjatywa skierowana do studentów Politechniki Łódzkiej , Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego i Społecznej Akademii Nauk. Warsztaty, realizowane przez specjalistów z klastrowych firm, dają możliwość podniesienia kompetencji uczestników w obszarze tematyki warsztatów. Spotkania odbywają się online lub stacjonarnie – zarówno w siedzibach firm, jak i na uczelniach. Warsztaty dają firmom możliwość dotarcia do osób zainteresowanych prezentowaną tematyką.


Trendy I(T) Rewolucje

Debaty technologiczne klastra “Trendy I(T) Rewolucje” to inicjatywa mająca na celu propagowanie najnowszych technologii. Uczestnikami debat są eksperci reprezentujący firmy zrzeszone w klastrze. Tematyka debat obejmuję AI, Cloud, Smart Buidlings oraz IoT. Cykl prezentuje konkretne treści, które bez nachalnej sprzedaży pokazują nowe trendy w światowej branży IT.

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