Why SAP 4/HANA? Because this is the future of digital business transformation…
SAP is a global leader among providers of ERP business solutions for enterprises from all industries and branches of the economy, which is not slowing down. Being a leader in ERP systems for over 30 years, SAP is expanding its portfolio with the S/4HANA system built on the framework of a modern, exceptionally fast database and enables easy connection of the system with modern support tools, including: sales, planning.
We invite you to the webinar:
SAP S/4 HANA – ERP class system – postgraduate studies – become a specialist, meeting with SAP consultants on Wednesday, October 25. 2023, at 19:30 on the MS Teams platform: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZGRmZDQxNjktM2FlYy00NWI5LTkyYzctMmFhYWFiNDhhNmUz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2267ea5955-9b5c-4693-a8f9-960f2a3b49bb%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e15de584-48ee-45f0-8637-2821cfa9cd1f%22%7d
SAP 4/HANA, also known as S/4 HANA, is a modern tool supporting digital business development, and thanks to the use of AI it enables faster decision-making and optimization of business processes. The name "S/4 HANA" comes from English, where "S" stands for "Simple", "4" indicates the fourth generation of the SAP system, and "HANA" is an abbreviation for "High performance ANalytic Appliance". analysis tool. SAP4/HANA is not just another version of the ERP system - it is a real revolution in the world of technology. The key feature is the processing of databases directly in memory (in-memory database), which allows for real-time data analysis. Thanks to the Fiori application, users can access data on mobile devices, which was previously impossible. The introduction of SAP S/4HANA requires appropriate preparation of the organization, and key activities include unification and standardization of processes, simplification of the organizational structure and training of employees during training courses dedicated to individual modules or as a whole on studiach podyplomowych. Dla wielu firm wdrożenie SAP4/HANA to nie tylko opcja, ale konieczność, bowiem wsparcie starszych wersji systemu zakończy się w 2025 r. Wdrożenie tego systemu może wymagać dużych nakładów, ale korzyści płynące z jego zastosowania są nie do przecenienia.
Why is it worth learning SAP S/4HANA?
– labor market: SAP S/4HANA is one of the most popular ERP systems in the world. Knowledge about it is highly valued by companies and can open many career doors.
– future technology: SAP S/4HANA is the successor to the traditional SAP ERP system and was created with modern business needs in mind. It uses advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, real-time analysis and advanced data processing.
– integration with other solutions: SAP S/4HANA is perfectly integrated with other SAP products, which allows you to create comprehensive business solutions. It also enables integration with modern technologies such as IoT, blockchain or cloud computing.
– flexibility and scalability: The system is adapted to the needs of various industries and enterprises of various sizes, from small companies to global corporations.
– support and development: As SAP is one of the leaders in the field of ERP systems, SAP S/4HANA users can count on constant updates, innovations and support from the manufacturer.
– advanced business functions: SAP S/4HANA offers advanced tools for data analysis, forecasting, reporting and management of all aspects of enterprise operations.
The decision to learn SAP S/4HANA should depend on your individual career goals and interests. If you plan to develop in the field of ERP systems, enterprise management or business technologies, we invite you to postgraduate studies in SAP S/4HANA - an ERP class system. The studies are conducted entirely online. More information at: https://rekrutacja.p.lodz.pl/pl/oferta-studiow-podyplomowych.