Join IT in Łódź – Parent in IT

Join IT in Łódź for the fifth time!

This year's instalment of the campaign under the theme 'Parent in IT' will feature clips promoting the industry in the context of parents. In the films, we want to show parents of both young children and older children - each stage has its own needs and challenges.
Cykl ma promować Łódź jako miasto wysokich technologii z dobrymi uczelniami i firmami z branży IT, które są
otwarte na rodziców (nie tylko mamy!), którzy mogą realizować się zawodowo bez uszczerbku na życiu rodzinnym.

This will be the fifth edition of this unique campaign showing how much Łódź has changed in recent years. So far, we have shown the story of more than 50 heroines and heroes:

  • in 2020, we implemented the first cycle, which was dedicated to re-branding,
  • in 2021 under the slogan 'Yesterday a student, today an employee', we encouraged secondary school students from the Łódź Province to link their careers with Łódź,
  • in 2022, as part of 'Welcome on Board', we showcased the stories of young IT professionals from all over the world who have bound their professional and private lives to our city,
  • in 2023, we promoted studying in Łódź and employment in Łódź-based IT companies through the stories of women at different career levels.

All films can be found on

Would you like to join this year's edition of Join IT in Łódź? We invite you to kontaktu